Photography started off as a hobby for me but now it plays a major role in my life – so much so that I plan to slowly start making a living from photography. There is so much beauty around us that can be captured; nature is full of beauty waiting for us to capture it, if we have the eye and receptiveness for it. I intend to capture this beauty through my camera lens for all to enjoy and behold.
Through my photography I would like people to appreciate the world we live in and hope that it may provide a renewed enthusiasm for people to safeguard the beautiful planet we call home. We tend to take Planet Earth for granted and we tend to abuse it and I for one, through my photography, would like to be a catalyst for people to safeguard what we have been entrusted with – this beautiful planet called Earth.

My favourite photographic subjects are nature and wildlife. The planet we live in is filled with endless species of plants and animals, each with its own set of unique features and beauty and I am certain that these subjects will keep me busy for some time to come.
These may be the most photographed subjects in the world but I intend to offer a different slant, if possible, through my images. I personally feel that one needs to get up close and personal with the subject being photographed for one to even begin to appreciate its beauty.

The possibility of capturing the beauty all around us for all to see and enjoy – that’s the best part of photography for me. The ability to capture a second in the life of an animal or the intricate beauty contained in nature.
To offer the world my perspective on the beautiful nature and the diverse wildlife that surrounds us – the opportunity to offer, the viewer of my images, beauty captured through my lens. For me, photography is my way of communicating to the world and delivering a clear message – appreciate beauty and safeguard the planet.
Epic work. Phenomenal photography=Tiger’s eye