Hi. My name is Deuce Bradshaw, and I’m a photo-holic.
I’m a recent law school grad who was unfortunate enough to find this addiction directly in the middle of my legal education. Ironically, I’ll find out if I can be a licensed attorney today, September 18th.

I received my first DSLR in March of 2010 (a Nikon D3000). The following Summer I studied abroad for a month in Granada, Spain. On the weekends we traveled to a variety of locations in Spain, Italy and Portugal. (Of course, we went to the running of the bulls as well.)
My camera never left my side. During that journey my obsession with photography and traveling bloomed.
Unfortunately, becoming a budding lawyer takes a drain on your time and finances. I do whatever I can to get shooting. I take my camera to the dog park, when we go out for the evening, or even just to work. It’s an obsession to just capture the things and people around me.
I was lucky enough to get adopted by a fellow photographer and lawyer, who’s good with people. She lets me help on odd jobs. It’s a great experience and I’m constantly seeking to try things that she can’t due to time constraints.
I’m inspired by a number of things. First, my grandfather, who always gives me stuff for my photos. He was a pro in the time of film cameras. Over the past 2 years, I’ve heard a number of things like: “You could have cropped here,” or “You should have shot that at f/5.6 instead of f/2.8.” I eat up his criticisms because it shows that he cares about my growth.

I’m also inspired by the work of Jeremy Cowart and Bill Cunningham. Cowart for his hustle and passion for life. I’ve seen a number of videos on his process. As for Mr. Cunningham, his unending drive is inspiring. The documentary about him made me want to hop on a bike and shoot photos for hours on end.
I shoot mostly with my D7000, P7100 and iPhone 4. However, I’ve been known to break out my grandpa’s older film cameras.
As for the work here, the first photo is a pair of shoes that the bride discarded while awaiting the group to settle into a shot.
The second one is my dog, who I find to be beautiful, cute, inspiring and overall just a visually appealing creature.
My advice to other photographers, “Seek out criticism like you would seek out a trainer for a fight. You don’t want someone who’s going to massage your ego all the time. You want someone who’s willing to tell you how to fix your mistakes and WIN. There are a lot of hacks out there, so save the cuddliness for your clients.”
Blog: http://deucebradshawphotographs.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deucebradshawphotographs
500px: http://www.500px.com/deucerok
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