I find my style is soft and romantic, sometimes incorporating a bit of darkness and forever weaving in atmospheric. Whichever path it takes, I always try and take the most honest photograph I can; I let the story unfold whilst silently watching through my lens and I try to just let things interact naturally. I don’t ever remember a time in my life where a camera hasn’t been a part of it. I always experimented with film as a little thing no taller than 5 feet. By the time I was 13, I first played with a digital camera, and 9 years later I’m still playing. Photography is what I do to be alive.

My main influence is emotion. I was an incredibly sensitive kid, and in ways I have learned to harness it and tune into my feelings. Emotions are like the ingredients to my cooking pot, without them I am nothing but with them photography is a personal journey that I dream to share.
Other influences include exploring, reading or letting words be sung to my ears. There is so much open space where we live, and it feels like it’s constantly expanding with new corners to always find. I love to escape to the woods with my camera and just get lost; I can never seem to find the same place twice. It makes my heart swell with excitement. I spent a childhood of being too busy to ever sit down and open a book and now I feel I have years to catch up on. The way words can roll off a page never cease to spark the fire of ideas and inspiration inside my skull. We own a record player and music sounds so different on it, it sounds deep and if you lay on the floor with yourself surrounded by the speakers, you get completely adrift inside the melodies. Those kind of little things help fuel my wild, forever-awake mind.

I hope my photography can take me, and I can take my photography, to higher and more fun places. Everyday I feel myself grow that little bit more, I feel my potential grow inside my bones and I’m embracing the opportunities that open up. It feels like being a flower bud; developing and flowering petal by petal, fuelled by the sun but still delicate and ever-changing. My main dream is to just keep learning, no matter how much I think I may know.
Portfolio – www.kittygallannaugh.com
Blog – www.searchingfortomorrow.com
Great shots! your portfolio looks amazing.