Flickr sets are one area of my account that are a complete disorganised mess. I create sets on a whim covering particular photographic subjects, I add a few photos and often weeks later I take more photos on the same subject and forget the first set was ever created. To illustrate this let’s look at a example.
Opening up my flickr account and going to the set entitled ‘Belfast’ I find I have 32 photographs in the set.
On searching my photo stream for the tag “Belfast” I find the reality is I have over 200 images related with that single tag. Keeping photo sets up to date and accurate is definitely a challenge but a solution has arrived.
SuprSetr makes it easy to create and maintain photosets on Flickr. You can create sets based on the usual things, such as keywords, date uploaded, or date taken.
In addition, SuprSetr allows you to filter the sets based on the media type (photo, video, or everything), content type (screenshot, photo, other), privacy level, photos that contain or do not contain geotags, and photos included in a gallery. You can also limit the number of photos contained in a set.
To put SuprSetr to the test I deleted my Belfast set and re-created it using the free application. SuprSetr offers a powerful range of filtering, I have selected to create a group called “Belfast” that pulls in every image with the Belfast tag.
I have also asked SuprSetr to limit the number of photos in the set to 50 ranked by popularity.
You can see the resultant set here.
Inspired by the fact I can group my most popular photos I used SuprSetr to create a set of my top ten photos. A screenshot of the results is below. What happens though when this list changes? are we any better off?
Automatic Set Updating
The good news is SuprSetr isn’t just about creating Sets it also actively manages them too. The screenshot below shows a list of the sets I have created manually and the two now managed by SuprSetr (green ticks). I quick click of the “refresh” button and SuprSetr automatically updates the sets it manages with the most relevant photos.
As well as creating sets you also promote your photos via twitter directly from within the application. SuprSetr can announce new sets and set updates.
SuprSetr isn’t perhaps the most visually stunning application around but what it lacks in looks it more than makes up for in functionality. I never really considered flickr sets to be of much use beyond grouping photos shot at a particular time but now SuprSetr gives Sets a new lease of life. Brilliant!
I pushed myself to see how many sets I could come up with and create in 60 seconds :
Spring & Summer
Autumn & Winter
Top 100 Photos
Top Ten Photos
Black and White
SuprSetr is a FREE cross-platform application available here.
If you use SuprSetr can you create a set called 50 for 50. In the set put your 50 most popular photos taken with a 50mm and post a link in the comments below. If we get enough we can do a little promotion.
Thanks for the write up! I’m glad you found it useful.
I like the idea of the 50 for 50. Too bad I don’t have my photos tagged with the lens that I used. 🙂
Great app Jeremy, loving it.
Done! Please see That was easy!
What a great tip! Just installed and love the simplicity. It is good that it does not mess with pre-existing sets but that option is available.
Fantastic app!
Awesome app. Thank You so much 🙂