After two months in the dust we have revived the Seven by Five Photography Magazine website. It wasn’t an easy decision as with the exception of content we are starting from scratch as you can see by the Facebook widget on the sidebar.
We really need your help to spread the word, invite your friends to join the Facebook Page or suggest they sign up for a Photo Profile. The website is back as the community of users who enjoyed the content regularly told us how much it was missed.
One of the big problems we faced was keeping the content fresh and as a result we probably burnt ourselves out and produced articles that weren’t really up to purpose (they have now gone). This time we aren’t that concerned about the regularity of content but we want to make sure what is published is of quality.
If you want to raise your profile by guest posting on the site please get in contact. If you have created any presets for Lightroom or Aperture and fancy offering them to the community please let us know.
I hope the fact the site is back comes as good news.
You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Flickr, so please please please spread the word.
Douglas Potter says
Glad you are back. One question: How do I submit pictures for your site? Thank you for your time.
Flixel says
via the flickr group? we run flickr shout outs to readers for themed photos, see the link at the top of the page. January’s is “Snow”.