I have been debating this issue with fellow photographers on Google+ and on Facebook but I thought I would put it to the polls. If you were only allowed to attach one lens to your camera which of the following lenses would you select?
Please feel free to add a comment below or to even suggest other lens not included in the poll.
I do love my 24-70 2.8 for it’s versatility, but as always, you need to ask yourself what you’re shooting most – and also what you are shooting with.
I use the 7D, so the 24 really isn’t wide enough at all times. I’m guessing that if I was using a full frame, the 24 would be enough in most cases. The 16-35 2.8 is next on my wish-list though.
28mm prime is my everyday carry lens. I like to get really close.
50mm 1.4!
50mm f1.4, 1.2, or 1.0
Although I love my 24-70 2.8. Depending on what your doing, a prime just might save you a lot of trouble e.g. 50 1.4 or 1.2 or a 35mm f2
also 17-40mm on a full frame = 27-64mm on a crop sensor so I guess it really depends on what body you use.
For the things i like to shoot and my style i’d deff go with the 16-35mm. Though i’m with some of the other commenters and the 50 1.4 or lower f/. I spent a good deal of my time only owning a 50 1.4 and it proved to be an all around workhorse!
As Airwhale, I think it really depends on your camera’s sensor.
I have a 7D and would take a 16-35 2.8.
Should I have a 5D I think I would take the 24-70 2.8
85 1.2 or 50 1.2 whatever it is, it will be prime and allow for crazy max aperture.