As we enter our third month of existence I thought I would review the top ten photo posts of April.
I have deliberately excluded the main photo theme posts that obviously dominate the popular posts and focused on the creative talent of the community themes.
I really hope the Seven by Five Community continues to grow. We are toying with the idea of a monthly mail out covering the highlights of the week and a monthly competition.
Looking back over April it was a busy month in terms of photo profiles, and photo reviews, here are the most popular non photo profile posts last month :
The Top Ten of April
1. 50 Great Photos taken with a 50mm Lens.
2. 25 Great Photos of Volcanic Sunsets.
3. 30 Great Photos of the Belfast Wheel.
4. Moo your next exhibition.
5. March Flickr Theme : Photos Taken with an iPhone.
6. The Magic of Black and White (eBook Review).
7. 10 Sure ways to improve your photography.
8. Easy Watermarking in Lightroom 2.
9. Project : Drawing with Light.
10. Below the Horizon eBook Review.
Remember you don’t have to be a professional photographer to take part in the photo profile series. Get in contact if you want to be profiled on site.
Awesome posts. Looking forward to seeing this site grow into something more. I believe that the 7th link is broken. Missing the “h” in http ๐
Looking forward to more photo profiles and hoping I can be interviewed one day.
Thanks Adrian, I have fixed link number 7. Get in contact about taking part in the profile series. All we need is 500 words about your work, inspirations, aspirations and influences with two images 620px wide in landscape orientation.