“Don’t Think, Just Shoot”. “Shoot From The Hip”. “Forget the Rules”. These are just some of the catchy rules of Lomography. It has become a movement of sorts for those who love their analogue cameras with a side of 35mm slide film. In this day and age of digital cameras with gazillion megapixels, it’s hard to think that anyone would even bother with the likes of film rolls and processing. But us Lomographers think otherwise. Let me then try answering some basic questions (and gripes!) that haunt digital camera users to this day.

Why bother fiddling with film rolls when you can just buy memory cards?
Well, film rolls just aren’t the same as memory cards, are they? Memory cards are meant to just store your images, but film rolls take it a step further. You can choose all sorts of films from Slide Colour to Redscale and even Black & White. Kodak, Agfa, Konica – they all lend a different effect to your photographs. Your images will simply never be the same again!
Processing is expensive – and troublesome!
Honestly, nothing is too expensive or troublesome when it comes to something we enjoy doing and take pride in. Digital cameras can be expensive too but that is not going to stop a passionate photographer from investing in one. At the end of the day, it’s all about perspective.

Why are all the pictures out-of-focus and blurred?
That’s the beauty of analogue photography. You really don’t know what you’re going to get. Sometimes, it’s a stunning shot of a sunset and other times, it’s a blurred foot running across the picture. Either way, it’s the memory that counts. Maybe that blurred foot was the first step your child ever took. Ultimately, you would love it for what it really means to you.
It’s a waste of time! I can take a thousand shots by the time you see yours
No doubt! But, will it be any good? Lots of people make the mistake of thinking that the more shots that are taken, the more “moments” are captured; the bigger the megapixel, the more stunning the photo. I do admit that digital photography promises all this and more. But that’s still no guarantee that any of the shots you take with your state-of-the-art camera would evoke a strong feeling or put a smile on your face.

I always believe that no one camera is better than the other; only good or bad photographers. Lomographers everywhere have had to put up with a lot of quizzical looks from others for the longest time. But, I believe things are changing now and more people are appreciating analogue cameras more than ever. Ultimately, photography is meant to be enjoyed no matter what camera or accessories are used. It can be a self-made pinhole camera, a Diana F+ or the latest Nikon D4. What matters most is the joy you get out of hitting that shutter button and capturing memories.
Kavitha is an amateur photographer who started out obsessing over Lomo cameras. Now, she is currently exploring the digital side of things and couldn’t be more excited!
awesome kavitha!
Lomo on! 😉
Thank you, Aman….Lomo On!! 😉
Great Pics!!!! Lomo ON 😉