I have been using Google+ for a few days now and I have to say I am really loving it. Google+ actually handles photos better than other social network sharing sites I have used with the images being presented in large format enabling casual users to view the photos in all their glory even in thumbnail form.
When you sign up to Google+ make sure your photographs are part of your profile (for some reason mine were not by default). You can also allow Google to reference any geotag information available for each image. Go to Profile and Edit, click on the Photos tab and make sure the appropriate box is ticked.
Google+ handles galleries really well. Roll your mouse over a set and it reveals the contents in an almost Apple like fashion. As you can see the thumbnails are large enough to give a good idea of the contents.
Click on the gallery to view a large tile like view of the photos it contains. When you click to view an image the result is spectacular. A large version of the image on black that almost fills the screen is perfect for the photographer promoting their work.
When you go to photo details, you can see Exif data, a map for geo tagged photos, and a histogram for the shot. It looks very similar to iPhoto.
Like other social networks you can tag images with other Google+ members. It is early days but so far I am particularly impressed with Google+ I did make the mistake of replying to posts from high profile photographers with the result of 60 emails in around a five minute window but posts can be easily muted.
Anyway, if you are a photographer on Google+ please post the address of your profile on the comments and we can share circles. We are here: http://ow.ly/8ITgS
*Now Google+ is open we have moved the thread of Google+ users to here http://www.flickr.com/groups/sevenbyfive/discuss/72157627177887850/ make sure to add your address.
Here is mine: https://plus.google.com/101160470119832951332/ 🙂
Here’s mine: https://plus.google.com/118167303926476779750/
Only an amateur I’m afraid, but here’s mine anyway 🙂 https://plus.google.com/101608765961437513965/
Heres is mine too.
My profile : https://plus.google.com/118252268973076370827/
Here I am. https://plus.google.com/113091634513165768886/
*wave* I’m http://gplus.to/spodzone 🙂
Nice article, sharing the same opinions after few days of testing G+
I had a Picasa account long before Google+ came along. My Picasa albums don’t have any images that I normally share with the public. I used it mostly to share with friends and family who are not on Facebook.
Forgot to include my G+ profile link: https://plus.google.com/108450240479866108610/about
I’ve just posted mine, feel free to add me I also just posted a few photos from the 2011 SOL Barbados Rally. Enjoy and have a geat day everyone!
I’m here: https://plus.google.com/115919766952475225499/
My G+ About Me:
Looks like the original Google profiles redirect to plus profiles:
portafoliofoto.com – Freelance Photographer https://plus.google.com/107188644308200975786
I’ve just joined Google+ and trying to work out what it is all about. Here is my profile:
I’m really enjoying it too – you can find me here. https://plus.google.com/101285025178738693068 .. I’m a amateur travel photographer based in Sinagpore – come say hi
My profile: https://plus.google.com/103138187637795661258
And Mine:
I’m here : https://plus.google.com/109697985308092449785
Here you go! 🙂
I’m a Los Angeles based photojournalist.
Here`s mine https://plus.google.com/u/0/104639356062913210803
here i is! https://plus.google.com/102256816876331385412/posts
I’m an amateur, love travel photography. Here’s my profile:
Really enjoying Google Plus – connect with me here:
Here I’m (from Italy)
LOVE Google+ here’s mine
Mine is here….
Me too: https://plus.google.com/108912736312850369274
… and mine.
Here’s mine http://gplus.to/vincentdemers
Mine : gplus.to/stuartclennett
Here’s mine – https://plus.google.com/u/0/106632857676600957409/
Here’s mine!
Here is mine https://plus.google.com/106804369784314029022
ok. it’s me https://plus.google.com/u/0/111452854356519851217 but i’m temporarily not publish photos (endure from the old account).
Amateur/Enthusiast http://gplus.to/ljungwall
I am enjoying Google+ (you can find me here: https://plus.google.com/113518294202522420143 ), but because Google retains the right to use anything you post, I haven’t added any photographs. Scott Bourne talks about that issue in this article:
http://gplus.name/yffoto – but I have not yet decided if I’m going to post photos ..
Very amateur photographer, but here is mine… https://plus.google.com/115790927274176110869
Just starting out with Google+ and liking it a lot.
Here’s me 🙂
Now that Google+ is more or less public we have moved to continue the thread here http://www.flickr.com/groups/sevenbyfive/discuss/72157627177887850/