In last week’s poll we asked what type of camera you own. From the first hour it was impossible to separate Canon and Nikon and in many ways it was a two horse race. This wasn’t an attempt to settle the whole Nikon / Canon debate, but a way of showing just how close the leaders are in the market.
I thought the other manufactures would have scored higher in the popularity ratings but perhaps we can run the same poll in a year to see just how much things have changed.
If you voted “Other” please let us know what camera you are using in the comments.
I love my Nikon, but I think I love my Canon Film SLR’s best. So I am happy with the results I see. Would be nice to see what kind of Canon camera is being used by this majority.
Considering Canon and Nikon have two totally different philosophies about what a DSLR should be, I am a little surprised by the close results. I think it is what you were first exposed to that determines what you own.
I have owned Nikon my entire life…let me just say over 40 years….That’s probably the only reason I own one now (D3).
It’s like religion. You are more likely to follow the religion of your parents because it’s what you were most exposed to.
But I have a question. What are the differing philosophies of Canon and Nikon concerning “what a DSLR should be”?
I second that question of “What a DSLR should be”
The only question that matters is: Can you take a good photo?