Whether the baby is a family’s first or tenth, it’s still just as nail-biting waiting for the announcement. I understand it is a private time, so when I am asked to attend the hospital in London to do newborn photography, I feel very honoured indeed. It’s difficult to find the words to describe the emotions that I see the family going through at the hospital. After the … [Read more...]
Photo Profile: Thomas White
If I told you I’d always been into photography, I’d be lying. Unlike a lot of photographers out there who grew up, or at least claim to have grown up being fascinated with cameras and photography, my interest only started a few years back after I graduated from university (my degree wasn’t photography related incase you were wondering). As you can probably guess from my two … [Read more...]
Photo Profile: Levente Toth
Trapping shadows, capturing light... we, photographers, are time robbers of a hopefully gentle kind. During our planned and often unplanned journeys, we freeze and, to paraphrase Susan Sontag, we take with us delicate slices of time - so delicate and thin that we hope nobody misses them. My captures were taken from tales that were unfolding with vastly different speeds … [Read more...]
Photo Profile: Waxman Photography
For the past year, I have been capturing scenes of people at various bus stops in and around Central Pennsylvania. Some of these are powerful and heart-breaking. Others can be viewed as inspirational. Street photography is an art form. Framing and the ability to capture these moments undetected has taken some time to perfect. Believe me, I have gotten more than my share … [Read more...]
Photo Profile: Jesse Shotland
First and foremost, I'd like to thank 7x5 for featuring me (again). I was featured on the site back in February of '12. My style and knowledge has grown more than I can imagine since then. So thank you guys. I'm a huge tech head. I like to know why and how my camera works. I consider myself fairly educated in how everything works and why this is called that. I like to … [Read more...]