My name is Laura McKinnon, I am nineteen years old and I am from Scotland, UK. From a young age, I was always interested in the camera – though with the limitations of film, my parents were not exactly thrilled at my attempts to go through fifteen rolls of film every day at nine years old! When I was fifteen I seriously considered pursuing a career in photography – I had … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Andrew S Gibson
My approach to photography is quite contemplative – I look for interesting things to photograph and I like to take my time, but I don't take photos just for the sake of it. If I don't find a particular place photogenic, I just put my camera away and try again another day. In this respect I think of myself as a fine art photographer – when I'm taking photos for myself I'm … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Sarah Lewis
I've always been into photography as a form of documenting my life. From holidays, special events, school days, I've longed to capture my life in photographs from as young as I can remember. My obsession peaked at college when I had picked up a compact camera, owned by my father & taken a photograph that inspired me. Now, the photograph in question had little to offer but … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Steven Read
It still feels strange to call myself a photographer but I’ve been involved in the industry for nearly a year. I studied International Relations at University and after graduating due to a random series of events I ended up assisting Lara Jade, a fantastic fashion photographer, for a number of months. She really helped me understand how the industry operates at a higher … [Read more...]
Street Photography : Fifty Classics
We have featured our love for Street Photography on Seven by Five on numerous occasions. From Eric Kim's Steet Photography 101 through to Thomas Leuthard's "Going Candid" Ebook we have all dabbled in a little photography on our local streets. This month's flickr theme was "Street Photography" here are fifty of the photos added to the group tagged "Street". Remember like … [Read more...]