In our recent poll and discussion the 50mm prime lens range came out on top as the lens you would chose if you were only allowed to ever own one. (see the outcome here). As a result we asked you to add your favourite 50mm photos to the Seven by Five Flickr Pool. As you can see the 50mm prime lenses offer amazingly sharp images with stunning depth of field. Here is a … [Read more...]
45 Classic Autumnal Photographs
There is definitely no better time of the year to take photos than Autumn. Nature's dramatic colour scheme compliment with low sunsets offer photographers an unlimited canvas. We have ended the October theme a little early to allow us to squeeze in another Autumn theme for the rest of the month (read more here). Here are just a selection from over one hundred photos added to … [Read more...]
40 Classic Black and White Photos
Every so often we hope to do a shout out via twitter for photos on a particular theme. Unlike the monthly themes the shout outs will be the cliche photos we all take with the view of looking how we approach the topic. This week's shout out was simply "Black and White" resulting in a flurry of photos being added to the Seven by Five Flickr Group. Here is a selection of … [Read more...]
70 Hip Photos taken with the Hipstamatic iPhone App
We recently reviewed the nifty Hipstamatic photo app for iPhone (read the review here). As part of the review we asked you to add your best hipstamatic photos to the Seven by Five Flickr group. The resultant submission were stunning especially given they were all taken on a camera phone. Here are just a few of the photos added, you can still add photos to the group, just … [Read more...]
20 Striking Silhouette Photographs
This week's shout out was the simply the word Silhouette. Creating Silhouettes can be a lot of fun and it can totally transform a subject shooting with the light from behind. The result of the weekend shout out was a selection of some really great high contrast images. You can continue to add your silhouette photos to the flickr pool making sure you tag them "Silhouette". … [Read more...]