Sometimes you don't realize the value of being in a place until you're no longer in that setting and the only recollection you have of those moments live in your mind without necessarily owning anything tangible to share about it. I lived in El Salvador for 5 years and with the exception of brief anecdotes that highlighted significant events, I'm regretful in not owning a … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Syd Weedon
I’m a graphic artist, photographer and writer. In terms of graphic art, I’ve done everything from designing and building theater sets to producing some really sharp looking junk mail. Currently, I do graphic design, photography and electronic publishing to pay the bills. My work has appeared in many publications. I have always aspired to fine art photography, but the … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Brideen Baxter
My first interest in photography began as a hobby – I travelled a lot after university and took hundreds of photographs using mostly a compact camera and a Polaroid camera that my friends bought me for my 18th birthday. Over the years my camera collection has grown and become more complex and at the same time my photography has progressed from being hobbyist to … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : FlixelPix
Well I thought I would kick off the amateur profile posts with a look at my photography. I am probably not the best person to be starting the theme in that I haven't really been taking photographs seriously for more than six or seven months but here goes. They say the camera never lies, well I think that is why I started taking photographs as it pretty clear to me that this … [Read more...]
Exhibition : Through the Mill
[dropcap1]T[/dropcap1]hrough the Mill, a series of thought-provoking images by local photographer David Cleland, captures a living history of aspects of Lisburn’s industrial past. A two hundred year story ended in 2006 with the closure of Hilden Mill – 'Through the Mill', a final chapter, offers us a unique opportunity to see the mill as it is now and a chance to imagine … [Read more...]