I'll come clean straight away and admit what many of you will think after reading... I'm not 'really' a photographer. Not by most people's definition of what it means to 'be' a photographer; the unconditional love of the art of photography doesn't get me through the day, and I don't feel the need to weep at a beautiful image of a single flower in a summer meadow. … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Bob Soltys
My interest in photography was sparked by Alfred Eisenstaedt’s black and white images in The Eye of Eisenstaedt. Not long after reading that book, my aunts gave me a Kodak Instamatic camera for Christmas that I used during family trips and to photograph Robert Kennedy when he came through my home town while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination. Later, as a … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : David Bennett
I like taking portraits and if there was only one thing I could shoot, that would be it. My aspiration is to set up a portrait studio when we get settled. But I also like photographing flowers because the shapes are so sensuous and graphic. I have a much harder time photographing trees, and I am working on that. We joke that I need to go and contemplate some trees so I … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Dave Musson
I love music and going to gigs, so the chance to get that little bit closer to those on stage and take their photograph was enough motivation for me to really have a go at becoming a music photographer. It was something that seemed to develop (no photographic pun intended) by accident; while at university I was writing for a national music magazine, regularly reviewing gigs, … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Tim Allen
Firstly I'd like to apologise if this rambles a bit but I've not done anything like this before, so expect a collection of thoughts rather than a quality bit of wordsmithery! I can think of a couple of times when I was younger when I was keen to get into photography but it never really happened. Looking back, it's almost as if I was waiting for a change to happen, which of … [Read more...]