I’m a hobby photographer. My influences are the many journalists who have written articles that I like, and enjoy their writing style. I enjoy doing new things and going to new places. I aspire to one day to live again in the Caribbean and volunteering to help the people there better their lives. Photography is my passion, I enjoy it a lot, along with all the gadgets that comes with it. There is always a new photography gadget out there to buy to put in my collection. I also like electronics in general, and I always try to imagine what kind of electronics they will have 100 years from now.
I also have a website where I show case my many photographs. I mostly like landscape photography and experimental photography such as high speed photography, aerial, etc. Drone photograph will be my next challenge as soon as I can afford a drone. I own a Nikon D90 and D800E, both great cameras.
My photography website shows my best photos mostly landscape, some with special effects. Most of the pictures are of plants and taken at the beach on several Caribbean islands, and in Florida. I love to travel, and have been to many Caribbean islands, including Hawaii, and many states in USA such as NY, Virginia, and Georgia. The best and worst thing about Florida is the weather, its great in the winter, but way too hot in the summer time. The other thing I dont like so much about Florida is the Lizard population, they are everywhere, in your house, car, parking lot, school, mall etc. I guess thats standard for tropical climates, but I still dislike them. Sometimes they cover the door when you try to get into your house at night, its just creepy in my humble opinion.
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