Began photography in Sept. 2009, started street photography in 2010. Since then I don’t do anything else but street.
I would like to show two pictures of mine that will tell you something about how I look into the world of street photography.

This is my favorite street photo so far. Why?
– it tells a story, it makes you think what is going on there.
– it is a daily scene you can see in any street: people crossing a street.
– It shows people in their daily environment and you can see (part of) the environment
– it is not posed or staged.
– it is shot close to the subject.
– it has a composition that is ok.
– the shutter was released at the right moment.
– humor is involved, not necessary but a pleasant most of the times.
I was at the right place, at the right time and released the shutter at exactly the right moment.
Lucky shot? Yes and no.
Yes: I was lucky they crossed the street at that moment and that they all ‘acted’ like they did.
No: I have an eye for these situations and I take the picture at the right moment.
But to be honest, I have missed a lot of beautiful moments on the street because I was a second too late.
In my opinion it is a special photo, it has something magic for me. That will separate a good street photo from the average ones.

I can repeat the remarks that I made by the first photo, but I won’t. I am really very happy that the old man decided to get in my frame.
The reason I show this picture is that street photography can be fine in color too. Black and white is used often and it has the advantage that it will keep you focused on the subjects. But if color adds something to the picture, I use it.
Street photography is fun. The streets are changing every second. I have to be alert and focused. It is very exciting to take photos of people without them knowing I do this. I can do it 24/7, every day of the week. I don’t need a big city; my small home town will do fine. Big cities are special, because they will happen more in a square kilometer. Gear is not very important, fast autofocus is what I need. I use what I have, even my iPhone is ok. I use only lenses with fixed focal length like my Canon 28mm.
After some street walk I like to share my photos and look at photos of other street photographers. The internet is fabulous, I have contact with street photographers from all over the word on every continent.
If you have any questions or remarks, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hello Fokko! I am a student presenting your work to my university film photography introduction class, and am wondering if you have any books published. I love the spontanaity and chance involved with your street work.