My name is Harri Rauhanummi. I am a self-taught photographer based in Oulu, Finland. I run my own wedding photography business that I started in 2007. It wasn’t all planned but one thing led to another and soon I noticed that I am shooting weddings almost every summer weekend. Before getting into wedding photography business I used to photograph landscapes and back then photography was just a hobby for me. Nowadays I could not live without it – and I don’t mean that photography just pays my bills but it is more like the air I breathe. I simply need to take photos.

I don’t exactly know how or when it happened but I became interested in fashion. I’m not a big spender myself but every time I was shopping with my girlfriend I used to watch all the advertisements and photographs in the clothes stores. Those photos looked something that I’d love to do myself. So, last year I made a new year’s resolution that I would start building my own fashion portfolio this year. So far the start has been fairly good. I even got one of my fashion photos published in Italian PhotoVogue website. I have also had a chance to do test shoots and portfolio shoots for Finnish fashion model agency. The photo that ended up in Italian PhotoVogue was important for me. It kind of proved me that if I really want this and if I continue working hard I can achieve something in fashion industry too.
I think it is important to know that you have what it takes if you just work hard. Because seeing the results can take a long time. That’s why I would really appreciate the opportunity to get my name out there “in the big world” as Finland is just a small country in the edge of the world. I think that half of the world don’t even know we exist.

It is hard to say who have been my biggest influences because I have worked on so many different areas of photography: first landscapes, then weddings and now fashion. I also do street photography regularly and it is very important for me. Street photography is something I do just for myself. I don’t get paid for doing it so no one says what, when or how I should do it. I can freely express myself the way I want. And I think that is very important for all artists and creative people.
I don’t know if these people are my influences but I closely follow their work. Fashion photographers Billy Kidd, Nikos Vasilakis and Lara Jade. Street photographers Chris Weeks and Zack Arias. Wedding / life-style photographer Angelica Glass. I’d say they are my inspirations.
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