Photography has always been the only thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life. The adrenaline high I get from being behind the camera and connecting with my subjects is like a drug to me. I found my way into photography in high school and instantly became a dark room junkie. Many science and music classes were missed because I couldn’t bring myself to leave the darkroom. I enjoy being creative, focusing on new perspectives, contrasting themes, and freedom in the autonomy that photography allows. My greatest influence would have to be my high school photography teacher and portrait photographer Andy Kämpf.
Now I am an experienced blog and event photographer, and I love what I do.
People, personalities, and perspective have always been fascinating to me, which is one of the reasons why I love shooting for bloggers and events. We are many different personalities at the same time, and I wonder, “how many personalities do we each have?” A much different image of self is projected from the office chair to the living room chair, and while we may not always be cognizant of this transformation, for others going to work literally means putting on a mask and costume.
This exploration of personality portraits is one of my favorite personal projects that I am currently working on. These two photographs are part of personality the series.
I am always looking to grow as a photographer, and would like to take on more freelance work. I update my Facebook page constantly.
Check it you, leave me a message, and let’s inspire each other!
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