I founded Grand Memories in the early 1990s as a photo restoration business. That business led me to membership in the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) which, in turn, rekindled the flame of my passion for photography.
I retired in 2006 from the ‘9-5’ routine and began devoting full time to my life-long love of photography. I have thousands of photographs in the archives, some taken on 35mm film but since 2006, they are all digital. I have accumulated over 35 years of photographs from across America, in parts of Europe, China, and Japan.

Expertise developed in Photoshop has enable me to create works of art from painting to drawing, design to wallpaper, and totally unique digital images. Using a Wacom touch screen and pen, I paint my creations onto the computer screen with brushes, lines, and all the tools Photoshop and Lightroom provide.
My photographs and art have been displayed in art galleries from Mesa, Arizona to Asheville, North Carolina.

I have displayed and sold my photos and art at art fairs and on internet sites. Several photographs have achieved national recognition and/or local awards. Images have been published in magazines such as the ‘Laurel of Asheville’ (twice), the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation magazine, ‘The Scenic’ (cover photo), the Western North Carolina Nature Center magazine, and The Writers & Artists Quarterly at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. My work was featured in Costco Magazine a few years ago as well. I have been written up in several newspaper articles and interviews, too.
I love my photography and I love being able to create art from it on my Wacom with Photoshop. These joys keep me going every day.
Website: www.grandmemories.us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FatherJohn
Fine Art America: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/john-haldane.html
NAPP: http://members.photoshopuser.com/haldane/photos
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