I can’t not photograph : Simply put, I must photograph. It’s an integral part of who I am. I’ve always been this way. From the moment my grandfather handed me his Canon point-and shoot and showed me how to load the film, until my senior year when I carried around a boxy, silver SLR, to the Polaroid that sparked my portrait studio career.
Photography, like blood, courses through my veins.
Photography, like succulent fruit, nourishes my body.
Photography, like a zen-filled breath, soothes my soul.
I can’t not photograph.
Though my tools have changed over time, the fundamental principles of photography that are in me, have not. I pride myself in the art of composition, but I know that my photography journey has been a learning experience. I look back at old pictures, haphazardly snapped, and cringe. There are gems to be found, and I remember that this passion has been a part of who I am for many, many years.
I know that I will always be a photographer.
In 2007, I jumped back into photography with a self portrait Project 365. That year painted the portrait of the busy mother that I am. It also made me get creative with my subject, myself. The project morphed, but I remained true to picking up my camera (at least) once a day. As I went along, my love for documenting the day-in and day-out became paramount. On my personal blog, I shared my creative spark as I was inspired by so many photographers, and, in turn, I had become an inspiration. To know that *I* was encouraging other people to pick up a camera and capture their beautiful, daily lives has been a true blessing to me.
My evolution continued through 2009 when I launched Mishelle Lane Photography. My repertoire includes portrait photography for families, children, couples, and individuals, event photography, and impressionistic art. I have also spread out into the blogging conference and public speaking realm speaking on a panel at Blissdom ’09, instructing a photo-walk at the 2009 Type-A Mom Conference, and I led a collaborative Wisdom Workshop at Blissdom ’10. This August I am delighted to be part of a Geeklab Photography “Room of Your Own” at BlogHer ’10 in New York City.
It’s been quite a whirlwind, but at the end of the day I am just happy to reach for my camera and take a walk in my backyard after a rainstorm. I’m happy to be documenting the busy lives of our family. I’m happy to capture the catch lights in my third-born’s big, brown eyes, my three year old’s cheeky grin, the strength in my camouflage wearing eldest kid, and the beauty of my daughter diving into the refreshing water on a hot summer’s day.
I photograph : I can’t not.
Check out these New York City Wedding Photographers
Love your story and your passion – you are an inspiration.
Great shots, and it is fantastic that you have taken the leap beyond that of just photography into promoting, pushing and inspiring photography in others. I’ve just had a quick scoot over to your website and I love what I see so far *bookmarks site*.
Great stuff!
Love the phone picture. Thanks for sharing your story.
Great story and awesome photos. I plan on doing the same soon and becoming a freelance professional photographer. I am just like you, I can’t not take photos, it’s just become an everyday part of my life.
Thank you everyone! It was an honor to be featured on Seven by Five!