I could lie and say photography has been a passion of mine from an early age. But I won’t. I had never really taken any pictures apart from of mates on nights out and the odd holiday snap on my phone, you know the ones!

This began to change in the summer of 2009, while i was sitting in the beer garden of the Cumberland in Edinburgh with a couple of mates, and was introduced to a guy called Matt Davis, who was a professional photographer. He showed me some of his work and I was amazed by his work, and he gave me the best piece of photography advice I’ve ever had, “Never miss an opportunity, always have your camera with you”. So from then on, whenever I was out, I would always carry my wee point and shoot camera with me.
Truth be told, I took a lot of rubbish photos with that camera to begin with (which I still have today kicking about a drawer somewhere), but a good worker never blames his tools so I went back to my Matt and asked for some advice. He gave me a quick lesson on composition and explained about the rule of thirds and told me what the golden hours were. As my photos started to improve I began to feel limited with what my camera could do, so for Christmas 2010 I was given my first DSLR a Canon D500 and I haven’t looked back since.

I quickly learned that my passion lay in landscape, although I do enjoy playing about with long exposure. I love going off exploring on my own, (even if it is just in Edinburgh, there are a million different photos to take of this city) at weekends to take photos, just me and my camera. Where I can leave behind the stresses of Monday – Friday, 9-5 and just take pictures. After setting up a Flickr account and getting a bit of praise from some folk at work, I thought I would maybe try and take things a little more seriously, so set up a website, that serious enough for me, want to keep it as a hobby for now!!!
I do like to do most of my work in camera, don’t own a copy of Photoshop although of late I have been playing about with gimp.
I have enjoyed my last 17 months taking pictures, and hope to continue taking photos for many, many years to come.
Thanks for reading!!
Website: www.stevenstewart.co.uk
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/steviedstewart
Twitter: twitter.com/steviedstewart
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