I was born and brought up in riyadh, saudi arabia. Being a shy little kid, I never knew that I’ll end up being such a naughty soul. I used to do a lot of stuff, such as filming myself, my sister and brother. Dressing them up as characters from movie and re-inacting the movie (on a handy cam).
Later on taking pictures from my dads good ol’ Yashica Film camera and making posters out of it. I remember when my parents bought me a classic Konica Film Camera on my 10th birthday. I went insane on that birthday. Forgot every other gift and immediately started clicking randomly.
I have always been very observant and an eye for different (weird) angles and what not. Clicking through that machine was an experience that made me fall in love with photography.
Later on, I used to borrow my friends cameras and take random pictures. Until one fine day, I decided to save some cash and get myself a nice camera. I was always fascinated by photography and after waiting for almost 24 years…yes 24 indeed… I got myself an entry level Canon 1000D, which I think is truly amazing.
You can really do so much with this machine. I am also a professional musician, and being a musician, I had this thing called “Intense Creative Syndrome”. Where you can’t really help it and go beyond limits and tell photographers taking your pictures on stage awesomeness settings while playing. Telling them to try out different angles and what not. They obviously hated me.
Coming back to my Canon 1000D. It gives me a complete pro-experience that allows me to experiment and do what I like. Inspired from reality, people, life…i try to experiment around these guidelines. Therefore, my work truly depicts people from everyday life who tell stories. I want to tell stories through my pictures, and I’m sure that I will only get better.
I am also a huge fan of portraits. Trying my best to capture moments that define simplicity and are natural/true. You can see passion through out my flickr photostream. How I am learning with time and growing as a photographer. I really want to go pro, and make a name for myself in photography. In pakistan, not many people take up experimental themed photography.
Many fall for weddings and what other events (which I have also covered btw). But with passion to go beyong and make a difference, I think I can play a significant role here. In learning, absorbing, and above all narrating my feelings through photographs I take.
I have enjoyed everyone’s love and support and my family has obviously played a crucial role in supporting me and exposing me to such great things at an early age. I will love it even more if you all will keep supporting me.
It was a real pleasure to see this photographer’s work. Very imaginative and soulful. Thanks!