Photography has been a passion of mine for only a few years now, which was primarily sparked in 2009 by my renewed vigor for climbing the highest 100 mountains in Colorado - a lifelong goal. As my knowledge of photography expanded in the past three years through these journeys, so did my thirst for trying new and creative techniques, including panoramas, star trails, night … [Read more...]
Photo Profile: Stevie Stewart
I could lie and say photography has been a passion of mine from an early age. But I won’t. I had never really taken any pictures apart from of mates on nights out and the odd holiday snap on my phone, you know the ones! This began to change in the summer of 2009, while i was sitting in the beer garden of the Cumberland in Edinburgh with a couple of mates, and was … [Read more...]
A Complete Guide to Long Exposure Photography
Wow! That's so cool! How do you make the water look like milk? As photographers, we've all heard that question more than once and I would call it a safe bet that the vast majority of us have even asked it at some point in our lives. What I'm referring to of course is the motion blur effect that moving water takes on in a long exposure shot. "Time exposures" can produce … [Read more...]