In this article you will see that you don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money to photograph closeup. Telephoto for Closeups I'd like to start with an idea that isn't considered too often. Using a telephoto lens, zoomed to the furthest focal length to catch an object up close and personal. For example, quite often I use my Nikon 24-70mm or 70-200mm lenses to capture … [Read more...]
10 Things Beginners Need to Know About Macro Photography
This article is written with beginners in mind. Everything written here is written from experience and may not be standard practice for some photographers. I hope you will find this informative and useful. If you have any questions you can find me on Twitter or Facebook, and the links to these will be at the end of the article. Alternatively you may leave a comment below. 1. … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Sandy Simpson
When I was four I discovered ants following each other on our brick patio in San Francisco. My naked eyes are like microscopes. I spent a lot of time laying on that patio floor and studying them. I wondered how they knew to follow each other and how they knew where to go when the other ants were out of sight. I'd experiment by removing a tiny twig in their path to see if … [Read more...]
How to : Splash Crowns
In 1937 Edgerton began a lifelong association with photographer Gjon Mili, who used stroboscopic equipment, particularly a “multiflash” strobe light, to produce strikingly beautiful photographs. It was Edgerton who discovered that trying to capture translucent liquid splashes was nearly impossible and thus moved to creating the splashing using milk. Although I have made … [Read more...]