Firstly I'd like to apologise if this rambles a bit but I've not done anything like this before, so expect a collection of thoughts rather than a quality bit of wordsmithery! I can think of a couple of times when I was younger when I was keen to get into photography but it never really happened. Looking back, it's almost as if I was waiting for a change to happen, which of … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Stephen Barnes
Being a bit of an adrenalin junkie, my photographic passion is photojournalism and documentary photography, particularly ‘hard news’. When I hear of any newsworthy event through the grapevine, I jump in the car and try to get into the thick of the action. This form of photography is a challenge – how to get the shots you need without influencing or disturbing the environment … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Adrian Rodriguez
I knew photography would play a major role in my life, I just didn’t know how much. I am inspired by photography everyday, because I am inspired by God’s creations everyday. It was only a matter of time before my passion for photography would take hold of me and push me forward. When I met my wife in 2007, I wanted to remember every part of our journey. She had a point and … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Mishelle Lane
I can't not photograph : Simply put, I must photograph. It's an integral part of who I am. I've always been this way. From the moment my grandfather handed me his Canon point-and shoot and showed me how to load the film, until my senior year when I carried around a boxy, silver SLR, to the Polaroid that sparked my portrait studio career. Photography, like blood, courses … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Nicolai Amter
I started to photograph when I was about 15, in my native Denmark. A friend asked if I wanted to take a share in a darkroom and so my love for photography began. I remember an evening in the local photography club where the theme was 'Frames'. One of the members had mounted a slide film frame with nothing thing in it and told me “a frame is a frame no matter what”. As crazy … [Read more...]