I first delved into the world of photography when I was about 10, when my Nan gave me a camera for Christmas. At that age I wasn't able to do anything technical with the camera, but it got me started. Much of the photos I took were snaps of family and friends, until about a year ago when I developed an interest in being able to make my photos more creative. I subsequently … [Read more...]
Photo Profiles 2 : The next Fifteen
It is time to celebrate the second chapter in the photo profile series. It has hard to believe we have covered the work of thirty photographers on site. You can view a review of the first fifteen photo profiles here. It is a massive source of inspiration and encouragement to view the work and read the stories of photographers from around the world. Click the on a photo to … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Denise Gushue
When I was in my early twenties I went on my first big trip to Europe complete with backpack and a Kodak EKTRA 200 instamatic camera. I remember distinctively not wanting to look like a tourist and thinking that it would call too much attention to myself if I stopped to take photos. So I snapped off the required photos at the required places, such as the Eifel Tower, Windsor … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Giovanni Savino
I never received any formal photographic training but I loved and practiced photography since my childhood. I started to work in film and television when I was sixteen years old and grew up learning the trade “hands on”, relying on the advice of some of the best photographers and producers in the annals of TV broadcasting, while working on the side of important figures in … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Lisa de Araujo
I have my father to thank for my lifelong interest in photography. My dad was not so much a photographer (although he had a talent he rarely made use of) as he was a gadget-hound. Dad always had to have the newest and best of any technology, whether it was cameras, hi-fis, video equipment or cars. When I was 17, he passed his entire Nikon FE camera kit to me and I still use … [Read more...]