I have always been of a creative mindset, Photography is just another way for me to communicate the images and ideas I see everyday. It is an insight as to how I view the world. My first serious attempt at photography was in college using an SLR, black and white film and a darkroom. It was these initial experiments and trials that led me further down this path. Not long … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Phil O’Kane
It started completely accidently, with a digital camera that was abandoned by my mother in '04. This camera couldn't do much, soon after I purchased a Digital SLR. Since then I haven't stopped. At the time my friends were in bands, as were all their friends. I look back on the first gig I shot, just a month after my new purchase and cringe slightly. But the week after I went … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : David Center
Like many photographers that you read about; my beginnings in photography were modest to say the least. Point and shoot; that was about it. Photographs of the kids, or our vacations were things that relatives bugged me about for years to take, and I never really kept up. I never approached them as art, or as something sentimental. I felt I was always too busy. I picked … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Carl Spring
My first experience of photography was with my parents on holidays. I can remember the thrill of mum letting me shoot a photo, and seeing it when they came back from being developed was always a magical moment. My real passion for photography started when my parents bought me a Canon SLR. The things I liked to shoot were bands and Skateboarding. I started to learn about … [Read more...]
Photo Profile : Sandy Simpson
When I was four I discovered ants following each other on our brick patio in San Francisco. My naked eyes are like microscopes. I spent a lot of time laying on that patio floor and studying them. I wondered how they knew to follow each other and how they knew where to go when the other ants were out of sight. I'd experiment by removing a tiny twig in their path to see if … [Read more...]