Rain, mirrors, lakes... a face contemplating life... We asked our Flickr followers to post an image they interpreted to illustrate ‘Reflection’. If you want to comment on an individual photograph click on an image to be taken to it directly on Flickr. We all appreciate the feedback. You can find out more about our flickr group here. 1. Becky 2. Dan Bailey … [Read more...]
41 Shades of Green
March – a month dedicated to celebrating St. Patrick's day, and the beginning of Spring! We asked our Flickr followers to post an image they interpreted to illustrate ‘Green’. These images could be anything from a four leaf clover to your green hybrid. If you want to comment on an individual photograph click on an image to be taken to it directly on Flickr. We all appreciate … [Read more...]
14 Romantic Photos
February - a month dedicated to celebrating love & relationships, we asked our Flickr followers to post an image they interpreted to illustrate 'Romance'. These images could be anything from a romantic sunset to favorite moment from a wedding. If you want to comment on an individual photograph click on an image to be taken to it directly on Flickr. We all appreciate the … [Read more...]
21 Images for a New Beginning
A new year has arrived, a time where we all make our resolutions for a new beginning. That new beginning may be a resolution to lose weight, a new list of goals to accomplish or a new baby has arrived. For the month of January 2012 we asked our Flickr followers to post an image they interpreted to illustrate a 'new beginning' for them. If you want to comment on an individual … [Read more...]
25 Chilling ICE Photos
From the warm west coast to the chilly east coast & around the world we have asked our Seven by Five Flickr followers to submit their December 'ICE' Themed photos to share. If you want to comment on an individual photograph click on an image to be taken to it directly on flickr. We all appreciate the feedback. You can find out more about our flickr group here. In no … [Read more...]